I miss you
despite your dirty streets
pollution in the air
that flares my nostrils
I even love
countless hours of load shedding you have
I love your darkened streets
I love your candle lit homes
Where we all hunch together to talk
Where we switch of television and
suddenly 'channel war' between siblings
cease to exist
I love you for your spontaneity
Everyday when I am out of my home to work
I can never predict
whether I will reach to work in time
One single incident
like a bike
hit by a car
turns into a 'class war'
in few minutes
Tyres burning all around
In an hour, we face 'Bandhas'
I even love these
When I can sit back
and blame all those
good for nothing politicians
Life is surely hard
in Kathmandu
But never for a minute
it lulls us into nothingness
There is always something to be angry about
There is always something to be happy about
And aren't these emotions important!
That is what keeps us alive after all
These strong emotions,
for me, it is a sign that I live
In contrast,
Imagine living in a city
When everyday,
You know that you are going to reach to work in time
when everyday you take the same bus
Or same train
You never speak
Everyone has a book to read
No one shouts and no one screams
There is however always a blank stare
That tells me 'you do not belong'
In Kathmandu, I dare to shout
When I am in a crowd of people
I lose myself,
But also there are stares that follows me
There are gossips that tracks me
I am 'someone' in Kathmandu
Thus, It is Kathmandu where I belong
Where I eat 'chana chatpate' on the way to campus
Where I haggle and bargain for 2 Rs
Where I get wet when car passes by me and
bestows me with a muddy water
Then I shout
Then I curse
and move along
Yes, it is Kathmandu
Where I truly belong