Writing to Dizzu on Emotional Level
Dizzu, I have been struggling to write an article about you. How do I write about you? What topic do I choose, there are hundreds of them. I would never be able to write about you, as words will never be enough. That is why, I am relying on emotions. It is only through emotions, I feel that I can connect with you and can write what I want to write.
You are extraordinary but yet amazingly enough, you have always behaved like an ordinary with ordinary people like me. You are always grounded, close to earth, no pretence, no ‘ego’, no ‘surface level’ talks. Each person in your life feels that they are loved most by you and that is true. You have reached height of fame; you have made your own history. Yet it is not on display, it need not be. It can be felt. The effects of your actions, they are everywhere. You have done what you have wanted to do in life, but you keep on having new dreams and ambitions. Your dreams and ambitions have never greyed with your hair. They have not aged with you, instead they keep on growing.
You have turned your every disappointment into an incentive for new success, a new landmark. You even called your cancer a 'gift'. How does one deal with cancer twice, as if once was not enough. How does one explain what happen to one’s beautiful face in a society where women are always judged by the way they look? You mystified people, when you said it was god’s gift, a god’s way to show that no one is perfect. I remember you speaking in a programme organized by women with special needs, saying that one could turn one’s weakness into strength. It sounded possible, for me, for them, for thousand other people because you only say what you practice. Thus your words are real, they have a power in them to motivate, to transform. You have an aura of truth in you and I fee it vibrating in my self whenever I see, talk with you and remember you.
You are my growth. I have grown up seeing you. Since the age of 5, I clutch your memory of me as ‘a small girl playing harmonium’ very dearly. I am sorry that I could not turn this memory into something concrete. But I remember you, when I teach my little son to play harmonium. You have shared with me a secret of successful marriage. You have taught me valuable lessons of motherhood. I will try to stand true to you, by following your valuable life lessons, which would never be found in a book. As, it is through life we learn, and your life is an open book for everyone there to read.
I remember you saying ‘educate one girl, you educate everyone in her family’ in your speeches in our school. You inspired me to become passionate about women’s rights. How to describe you? Who you are? Women’s rights activist? Pioneer of Nepali tourism industry? Spiritualist? Social worker? It would be limiting to describe you. You are a person who has evolved with time. You have moved on. You have seen the world. You have held steadfast your beliefs but yet have moved on with new times. You have showed tradition and modernity can be combined. You have proved it with your life.