Thursday, March 22, 2018

Open letter to Hurt "Ego"

Dear Hurt Ego
Move on, will you?
Proving your superiority of knowledge
Over somebody else's pain
And labelling that as a "thought" is not a problem
As, throughout the history of knowledge
Women's experience has been belittled
Invalid, unrealistic and little
So, we are kind of used to it.
Looks like the history has turned over
That you need to cry out loud
And even write a blog to prove your point
I guess, in the age of social media
When the voiceless have a new medium of a voice
And they cannot be easily silenced by people like you
Who work as a gatekeepers of knowledge
Who due to some weird reason have seen themselves
In the role of sanctioning, rationing and weighing the Truth
Its positive that there has come a point where people like you
Have to defend yourself from a so called tribe of people
Who are not uncomfortable to talk about the gross inequalities
That exist in our society
People, who acknowledge their privilege and double check it
Before they “shut up” the marginalized voice down
Sorry to hear that, but seems like the history has turned over
What was earlier a voice of authority, has merely found itself in a space of “sanctioned knowledge”
Live there for a while and realize
How it feels not being able to question
Not being able to argue
Not being able to discuss
And being told “shut up” all the time
Relish and live in these moments
Which are nothing compared to centuries of silence that we have endured

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