My Sunday Morning with Soham is going on like this

Once his "dada" is off, he comes to my room with armful of crayons, colors and several sketch books and coloring books where I am supposedly "working".
He spreads them on the bed and asks me every 2 minutes " What shall I draw now"
I say " computer", " Cup", "Bottle"
His answer is No to all of them
Finally he has an idea, he starts drawing his own hand.
And I am like , "okay, perfect peace for next 5 minutes"
Oh, what a delusion
Exactly in a minute he wails " rub it off, rub it off"

It looks preety awesome to me. I see several possibilities in it. Him coloring it, cutting it, pasting it: all the while allowing me enough time to complete this email I was writing.
But No, Then, I give it, I rub it off
But then, he wants me to stay with him and draw his hand.
I do that and he is satisfied with it.
Then, he is quiet for a while, enjoying his work.
After a while he comes to me to show his picture "how is it", he asks
I say, as usual "beautiful" but he wants me to complete it
He has actually drawn a head of a pig, I draw the body.
Meanwhile, he treats books and copies like blocks and creates a structure out of them.
Then, he arranges my clothes and scatters them all over. The more I say, "don't", he will do more. So, for the sake of my sanity, I just remain quiet.
It has been about 2 minutes, there is an eerie silence around the room, that it almost feels unnatural. I look around, and OMG he has his hand all over my bag that I nearly had an heart attack.
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