I am missing my son as usual.
It has turned into a hidden wound! but yet so so obvious. his picture is everywhere. I remmeber him everytime. Everyday, I ask my husband to tell me stuffs about my babu. Since he arrives only few months ago, he has more memories of babu than me. we keep on talking, how babu would do that, how he would say that, how he would feel and so on.
sometimes, we create an imaginary picture of babu and discuss different situations as if babu was right here in front of us.
Being far away from son, I can see how much a child means to mother. I can also see how much I meant to him. I at times feel guilty at my decision, in which I had very little choice. The decision was mine, as it sounded the best at the time. Now perhaps, its time to be together with my son whatever it takes. I have experimented two semesters without him and I can see that his absence is more dangerous to my peace of mind...........
I am now more than ready to play the role of 'back to uni' mother...........yeah, I am