I am back in Melbourne, back in Monash after more than five years. After more than two weeks of being back here, I am pondering, "why did I come back?". What makes people return? what is it? Is it the place or the people?
I think its both. People come first of course. Its the attachment and bonds you share previously and continue to share makes you come back. It is the place too, the feel of it, its textures, its locations and its familiarity makes you return.
In my case, I was in Monash in between 2008 and 2009 struggling to learn the craft of academic writing, getting a higher education, learning new research methods. All the while I did this, I made couple of friends whom I could talk to, whom I could relate to. Monash itself is amazing University to be back to. It has a vibrant community of International students and amazing staff who are there to support if you are troubled about anything. More than that, its the feel of being a part of big international/multicultural family.
This is just my first post. While I will be scratching my head to do academic writing, I need a place to come to and burst out my feelings and experience. And I believe, this blog will be the place to come to: to share, to read and write.
More later in other blogs to come.............